HOURS FOR THE BUILDING INSPECTOR - Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm, or by appointment. Contact Scott Johnson, Building Inspector, at 262-352-4433.
Building & Zoning Payments
1. By Credit, Debit Card, or E-Check: PAY ONLINE.
2. In Person: During Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
3. By Mail: Village of East Troy, 2015 Energy Dr., East Troy, WI 53120.
4. After Office Hours: Drop boxes (collected daily) are located at the entrance of East Troy Municipal Building and a drive-up box in the parking lot. No cash please.
Demolition permits require proof of utility service disconnection. Contact WE Energies at 262-574-6452 or 866-423-0364 to ensure a safe utility service disconnection.
Please note our correct MAILING address: 2015 Energy Dr., East Troy, WI 53120.