Special Events Application

No person, firm, corporation, association, company or organization of any kind shall engage or participate in, conduct, exhibit, operate or maintain any special community event or activity, such as a circus, menagerie, street carnival, fireworks display, exhibition, contest or theatrical performance of any nature, whether or not admission is charged, upon any street, square, park or other public place or way within the Village unless a permit is obtained. Fees are based upon specific requirements of the event. 

Approval Process: Basic applications include the Special Event Application, Special Event Fees and Special Events Tasks and these may be obtained by contacting the Clerk's Office. Completed applications should be submitted at least 45 days prior to the event. Completed applications and fees will be receipted at the Administration Offices and forwarded to the Police Department for any required investigative checks. If required a Certificate of liability insurance should also be submitted that meets the basic requirements set by the Village Board. Applications will be placed on the agenda for review and approval by the Village Board. The Village Board meets the first and third Mondays of the month.