Pilot Information
NOTICE: This is not an official source of aviation information. Consult official information when flight planning! AirNav.com
CTAF | Unicom | Approach (Milwaukee) | Lights | Ground Communications Outlet |
123.0 | 123.0 | 125.35 | 123.0 | 121.725 |
Nav Type | ID | Frequency | Bearing | Dist NM |
VORTAC | BAE (Badger) | 116.4 | 189 | 19.6 |
Runway | Surface | Dimensions | Lights | Comments |
08/26 | Asphalt | 3900 x 75 | REIL PAPI(08) | See Noise Abatement below |
18/36 | Turf | 2400 x 150 | None | Closed in Winter |
Location | ID | Frequency | Bearing/Dist | Telephone |
Burlington,WI | BUU | 114.5 | 156 deg - 7 miles | (262)757-0907 |
TRAFFIC PATTERNS: Left hand traffic patterns on all runways.
NOISE ABATEMENT: Avoid flight over village to the west and northwest of the airport. When departing runway 26 - Turn left and follow Interstate 43 southwest until south of village.
The Ground Communications Outlet is a transceiver linked to a phone line. It allows pilots communication with the Green Bay FAA Flight Service Station or Milwaukee ATC. While on the ground, the pilot can now check weather, open or close a flight plan and get a clearance out of the airport for IFR flight .
To use the GCO - Tune your radio to 121.725 and click your microphone 4 times for Milwaukee Approach or 6 times for the Green Bay Flight Service Station. You will hear a telephone dialer and be connected with the service. Once connected communicate as if you were on a normal radio frequency and click your microphone at least once every 30 seconds to maintain the connection. (This frequency is the same at all GCO's in Wisconsin.)