The deadline for the grant process is February 28, 2025 at 3:00pm.
Community Development Authority (CDA)
The focus of the CDA is to revitalize areas of the Village, support existing businesses, and foster new business growth. We want you to be aware we recognize the impact our current businesses have on the culture and success of our community. In many instances, communities with new growth and development have neglected their downtown area and later struggle to recreate what was lost. The Village of East Troy is unique because we have a beautiful centerpiece in our vibrant historic downtown area. We are fortunate this area has been preserved and we have passionate business and property owners investing in properties and businesses unique to our community. We have no intent of changing that, in fact we want to support this!
Your suggestions and comments are always welcome by the CDA. Generally, the regular meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. There is a public comment period during meetings. You can visit the calendar of events or look for the agenda to be posted with other agendas on the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting at eCode360. Comments to be shared at meetings can also be sent to the Executive Director of the CDA, Eileen Suhm at in advance of the meeting.
East Troy’s Façade Revitalization Grant program
East Troy’s Façade Revitalization Grant program has been designed to improve the curb appeal of the community’s commercial structures and support ongoing investment in local businesses. Through these improvements, the Village hopes to foster the growth of current and new businesses. This emphasis on business growth and expansion will enhance the vitality of the village’s commercial areas, attracting new customers and their dollars to businesses and additional investment in the village over time.
With this program the Village of East Troy will provide matching grants to encourage improvement to exterior façades. This is offered through a process that includes an application submittal and an evaluation. Please refer to the facade grant brochure to learn more about the program, including the details related to qualifications, application, submittal process and evaluation process.
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